
Traumatic Brain Injury Services

Traumatic Brain Injury include concussion and mild, moderate, and severe injuries to the brain. Many of these injuries require evaluation and long-term management.


Traumatic Brain Injury for Kids Therapy in Buffalo NY

Childhood Concussion and TBI

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in kids is very important because they can affect how the brain grows, how they learn, and how they interact with others. Getting help early and having the right therapies can make a big difference in their recovery and daily lives.

Traumatic Brain injury during middle school and high school months can have critical impact on lifelong functions

Middle and High School Years

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in teens, especially those in sports like football and gymnastics, are serious because they can affect brain growth and learning. These injuries can impact their ability to cope with life changes, manage more responsibility, and adapt college or work-life.

Traumatic Brain Injury for older Middle adults Therapy in Buffalo NY

Middle Adulthood

For adults, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can disrupt careers, family life, and social relationships. Managing a TBI during these years is crucial as it affects not only personal health but also the ability to fulfill work and family responsibilities. 

Traumatic Brain Injury for older adults Therapy in Buffalo NY

Older Adulthood

In older adults, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are particularly concerning because they increase the risk of developing dementia. These injuries can lead to significant declines in memory, thinking, and daily functioning. Early intervention and specialized care are vital to managing symptoms and maintaining quality of life.


All brain injury can have a lifelong impact on the brain, even concussions.

Seek information and consultation.

Traumatic Brain Injury TBI Treatments in Buffalo NY

Traumatic Brain Injury in WNY

Western New York (WNY) has recently identified important health and wellness needs for people with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and older adults. Counties like Niagara and Erie have high rates of TBI hospitalizations, but occurance of TBI being seen at urgent care and primary care physicians are not included. In the past, TBI research has mostly focused on young adults, but new findings show that TBI can greatly affect older adults too. The impact of one mild TBI  can have lifelong impact on cognition and behavior. 

Treatment Options

Outside of traditional medication management for symptoms, there are many non-medication approaches used by functional specialists including training for what to expect after concussion or TBI, what is normal and what is not, training for memory, balance, and multi-tasking, and stratetegies for lifestyle adaptation to promote longterm wellness. 

Cognitive Training

Cognitive training programs provide structured exercises and activities designed to stimulate the brain and maintain cognitive function, assisting individuals in retaining skills and enhancing memory after concussion and brain injury. Current evidence suggests skilled activities may improve symptoms and lesson the lifelong impact of traumatic brain injury.  

Lifestlye Support

Lifestyle support encompasses a range of strategies and modifications aimed at optimizing well-being and independence for those living with symptoms of concussion or TBI , that may go overlooked by traditional medicine. Many find that they are not immediately impacted by TBI and symptoms emerged months later. 

Our Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Concussion Services

Brain ICONS 1 - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Diagnosis Education

Brain ICONS 2 - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Comprehensive Evaluation

Brain ICONS 3 - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Cognitive Training

Brain ICONS 4 - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Dual Tasking 

Brain ICONS 5 - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Lifestyle Support

Brain ICONS 7 - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Long-term Support 

Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms

Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Buffalo NY - Blue Outline

Immediate Symptoms

+ Headache

+ Dizziness or balance problems

+ Nausea or vomiting

+ Confusion or feeling dazed

+ Sensitivity to light and noise

+ Blurred vision

+ Memory loss surrounding the event

+ Loss of consciousness (even briefly)

Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Buffalo NY - Black Outline

Delated Symptoms (weeks to months later)

+ Persistent headaches

+ Difficulty concentrating or remembering

+ Mood changes, such as irritability or depression

+ Sleep disturbances

+ Fatigue or lethargy

+ Sensitivity to light and noise

+ Ongoing dizziness or balance problems

+ Vision problems

Take your symptoms seriously. 

Traumatic Brain Injury Management requires you to trust someone.
Trust us.

Schedule an evaluation and have the conversation.

Memory loss and difficulty with tasks once easy for you, is a vulnerable aspect of health, often causing delays in seeking treatment due to fear or judgment. You deserve a provider who understands the brain and memory and is committed to helping you stay in control without any judgment.

Establish a relationship with a brain injury specialist.

Just like you go to your primary care physician annually for a check-up, scheduling an annual comprehensive evaluation with a trained professional is highly recommended if you are concerned about the long-term impact of concussion or TBI. There are TBI  treatments and conversations that can be conducted to help you remain in control of this area of your health.

Stay active and seek adventure! 

One of the best things you can do for your brain is to remain physically active and seek new opportunities to learn. 

Our Traumatic Brain Injury Therapists

 Unlike many other occupational therapy teams who provide general treatments for a variety of conditions, the practitioners at Buffalo Occupational Therapy  focus their attention only on neurological rehabilitation science to ensure the highest quality treatments for mild cognitive impairment, all forms of dementia, and neurological symptoms of traumatic brain injury, stroke, and other neurodegenerative conditions.

Michelle Eliason The Buffalo Occupational Therapist

Michelle Eliason, MS, OTR/L

Owner, Cognitive Scientist,

Hannah Business Card 1 - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Hannah DiFrancesco, COTA/L, NASM-CES

Clinic Manger, Lead Practitioner, Mentor

Adrianna Business Card 1 - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Adrianna Brown, MS, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist

Hannah Business Card - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Marti Greco, MS, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist

Brooke Kirsitis, MS, OTR/L

Brooke Kirisits, MS, OTR/L

Occupational Therapist

Concussion and TBI  Treatments for all ages and stages.

We will meet with you, learn your story, read your medical history and diagnosis, and design a  treatment or TBI-support path that meets your needs.


Mild Cognitive Impairment


Difficulty Concentrating


Difficulty Multi-tasking


Forgetting conversations


Mental Fatigue

We are A Full Spectrum Memory and Motor Practice

No two people experience mild cognitive impairment and dementia the same way – even if they are diagnosed at the same time and have the same age and sex. Dementia treatment requires specialized knowledge of the brain and cognitive processes that generalized services cannot offer. Buffalo Occupational Therapy practitioners only treat memory and motor changes related to neurological injury which allows us to design a specific path for each patient based on the current research-supported evidence. 

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s completely normal to have questions, please contact us if you have a question that is not represented below. 

What is cognitive therapy for concussion and TBI, and how does it work?

Cognitive therapy for dementia involves structured interventions aimed at maintaining or improving cognitive function through exercises and activities designed to stimulate the brain.

What are the goals of cognitive therapy in concussion and TBI treatment?

The goals include, but are not limited to, improving attention, multi-tasking, improving dual-tasking like walking while talking, preserving cognitive abilities, enhancing memory, improving problem-solving skills, and promoting independence in daily activities for individuals with dementia. All goals are tailored to each person’s diagnosis, abilities, and personal goals. 

Who can benefit from cognitive therapy, and at what kind of brain injury is appropriate?

Individuals with concussion, mild TBI, moderate TBI, and severe TBI can benefit from cognitive therapy, as it can help slow cognitive decline and improve quality of life.

What techniques or strategies are used in cognitive therapy sessions?

Techniques may include memory exercises, problem-solving tasks, dual-tasking training (addressing movement, coordination, attention, and cognition at the same time), reality orientation, and reminiscence therapy. All dementia treatment techniques are tailored to the individual’s needs and abilities.

How often are cognitive therapy sessions typically scheduled?

Sessions are usually scheduled regularly, ranging from once a week to multiple times per week, depending on the individual’s needs and the program’s structure. Most research indicates intensive cognitive therapy (at least 2x weekly), followed by a maintenance period. This is the methodology we follow in our clinic.

Are cognitive therapy sessions tailored to each individual's needs?

Yes, cognitive therapy sessions are customized based on the individual’s specific cognitive strengths and weaknesses, as well as their preferences and goals. This is why cognitive therapy must be in one-on-one treatment sessions.

Can cognitive therapy help manage behavioral symptoms associated with dementia?

Yes, cognitive therapy can sometimes help manage behavioral symptoms by improving cognitive function and providing alternative coping strategies.

Are there any potential risks or side effects of cognitive therapy?

Cognitive therapy is generally considered safe, but it’s essential to work with a qualified therapist to ensure exercises are appropriate and tailored to the individual’s abilities. 

How long does it take to see improvements from cognitive therapy?

The timeframe for seeing improvements can vary depending on the individual and the severity of their dementia, but some individuals may start to see benefits within a few weeks to months of starting therapy. Most of our patients feel more in-control after the initial evaluation knowing there are options!

How can caregivers or family members support someone undergoing cognitive therapy for dementia?

Caregivers can provide encouragement, assistance with exercises, and reinforcement of strategies learned in therapy to help support their loved ones’ progress.