Agility Ladder + Side Step Group | Occupational Therapy Intervention
Group Therapy Intervention – Agility Ladder
Occupational Therapy Intervention : Group – Agility Ladder
Documentation and Activity Rationale
The patient participated in agility-centered activity using a high contrast agility ladder to invoke the vestibular, neuromuscular, muscular, and visual perceptual body systems in order to increase balance, gross coordination, visual perception, agility, invoke involuntary postural correction, attention to task, motor planning, movement intention, and neuromuscular communication. The patient demonstrated difficulty in performing a forward linear pattern which required him to alternate between a narrow BOS and wide BOS x6 step sequence. CGA with x4 errors requiring verbal and visual cues.
Grading Strategies
Grading Up:
- complete with metronome
- complete more complex pattern
- integrate dual-tasking (e.g. have patient count by 2’s)
Grading Down:
- begin with a more simple pattern, challenging the patient to still not touch the yellow or black lines
Appropriate Diagnoses / Deficits
- Memory Changes
- Attention deficits [alternating/divided]
- Balance deficits