Executive Function and Cognition Components of Kinetic-based Task Performance
Types of low level cognition and executive functions: Flexible Thinking (cognitive flexibility), Emotional Control, Impulse Control, Organization (physically and mentally), Task initiation and termination, Planning and Prioritizing, Self-monitoring, self-awareness, and introspection, Working Memory, Delayed recall with interference, Cognitive flexibility, thought under time constraint, Categorization, Registration and Digit Span, Categorization, Sequencing, Auditory memory with extrapolation, Focused Attention, Problem-solving, Calculations
A-Z Challenge
Activity Set-up:
- Set the patient up at the table
- Have a timer, PDF, and pencil
- Instruct the patient to complete part A while under time contraint by reading directions on PDF
- Move on to a distracting activity or unrelated activity for the predetermined timed interference (working up to 30+ minutes)
- Instruct patient to complete Part B of the activity by reading the directions.
Sample Objective Note: The patient completed a 2-part attention, working memory, & information processing speed worksheet in which he was challenged to write 26 places from A-Z – Subject: [Household items]. The patient completed part one within [3m39s]. The patient was delayed in recalling written items by approximately 10 min as he was engaged in other cognitive tasks. The patient recalled 20/26 items within [3m 58s].
Mobility Components of Kinetic-based Task Performance
A-Z Challenge
Sample Objective Note: The patient completed a 2-part attention, working memory, & information processing speed worksheet in which he was challenged to write 26 places from A-Z – Subject: [Household items]. The patient completed part one within [3m39s]. The patient was delayed in recalling written items by approximately 10 min as he was engaged in other cognitive tasks. The patient recalled 20/26 items within [3m 58s].