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Low Vision and Visual Perception OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals - BOT Portal (1)
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OT Goals for Vision and Visual Perception

These are examples of what the BOT Portal Provides, and is not the complete list of goals. Do you love what you see?

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Simple Goals for Vision and Visual Perception

The caregiver demonstrates appropriate low-vision strategies for context and occupational performance as evidenced by verbal discussion and self-initiated modifications [in-home or in clinic] during [x/x] sessions within [xx].

The patient [or caregiver] communicates understanding of available Community Resources and how to access them as evidenced by verbal discussion and acknowledgment of written resource within 1 visit. 

The patient will demonstrate improved visuomotor coordination during functional performance as evidenced by improved visual tracking with smooth pursuits and improved synchronization of rapid eye movements (Saccades during visual scanning as evidenced by improved performance of [assessment or baseline activity] without errors [less than xx errors] within a 12 week period.

The patient [or caregiver] communicates knowledge of resources and education materials provided as evidenced by

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Perk 4 Continuing Education - Buffalo Occupational Therapy
Perk 3 Structured Learning - Buffalo Occupational Therapy
Perk 2 Printable Resources - Buffalo Occupational Therapy
Perk 1 Treatment - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

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Goals Continuums and Progressions for Vision and Visual Perception

Pre-Driving Rehabilitation

The patient will improve executive function, visual motor, and mobility related performance skills necessary to demonstrate driving readiness or indicate further evaluation and treatment by a Corrective Driving Rehabilitation Specialist as evidenced by meeting the following requirements: 


[ The following short term checkpoints can be completed simultaneously or consecutively. ]

  • MoCa Score of greater than 27  (20%)
  • Clock Drawing Test of equal to or greater than 6 (20%)
  • Trail Making B test less than 3 minutes and/or less than 3 errors (20%)
  • Road Sign Worksheet of 85% or greater (51/59)  (20%)
  • Divided attention for greater than 30 minutes without distraction, fatigue, and/or confusion (20%)

OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals BOT Portal copy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Trail Making Test

See more on the BOT Portal

OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals BOT Portal copy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Hemispatial Neglect

The patient will demonstrate improved left hemispatial neglect…See more on the BOT Portal

    OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals BOT Portal copy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

    Visual Spatial Awareness 

    The patient will demonstrate improvement of visuocognition as evidenced by …See more on the BOT Portal