Clinical Resources for Occupational Therapy
Functional Mobility OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals - BOT Portal
Lower Body Treatments for Occupational Therapy BOT Portal - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy practitioner CAN treat the lower body! In fact, in many ways, an occupational therapy practitioner is the BEST practitioner to take lead on lower body rehabilitation and restorative therapy. Despite what you may have learned…or maybe never learned in school…an occupational therapy practitioner should know just as much, if not more about the lower body as they do about the upper body! Occupational therapy practitioners treat the entire body! If your patient wants to do any of the activities found within the 8 domains of occupational therapy, they will need their occupational therapy practitioner to address mobility including restoring function, restoring structures, enhancing performance skills, and maximizing independence. This is a continuum! 

Perk 4 Continuing Education - Buffalo Occupational Therapy
Perk 3 Structured Learning - Buffalo Occupational Therapy
Perk 2 Printable Resources - Buffalo Occupational Therapy
Perk 1 Treatment - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

Membership Perks

Two Membership Options!

Your investment gives you resources to save you stress, self-doubt, and burnout as you become a confident and competent practitioner who can stand up for your professional point of view and scope of practice. 

Simple Goals for Functional Mobility

The patient will demonstrate safe bed mobility from supine to side, supine to sit, EOB to stand, EOB to supine, achieving proper positioning at rest, etc. with [graded level of assistance] as evidenced by physical demonstration of skill during [xx] sessions with [xx] weeks.

The patient will transfer safely in/out of the tub/shower with [graded level of assistance] after improving sufficiency of body functions, structures, and performance skills required for this transfer as evidenced by physical demonstration of skill during [xx] sessions with [xx] weeks.

The patient transfers safely in/out of wheelchair with [graded level of assistance] after improving sufficiency of body functions, structures, and performance skills required for this transfer as evidenced by physical demonstration of skill during [xx] sessions with [xx] weeks.

The patient transfers safely in/out of car with [graded level of assistance] after improving sufficiency of body functions, structures, and performance skills required for this transfer as evidenced by physical demonstration of skill during [xx] sessions with [xx] weeks.

The patient will ambulate and clears steps/curbs, both ascending and descending, with [graded level of assistance] after improving sufficiency of body functions, structures, and performance skills required for this aspect of functional mobility as evidenced by physical demonstration of skill during [xx] sessions with [xx] weeks.

The patient will ambulate on uneven surfaces with various environmental lighting conditions with [graded level of assistance] after improving sufficiency of body functions, structures, and performance skills required for this aspect of functional mobility as evidenced by physical demonstration of skill during [xx] sessions with [xx] weeks.

The patient [or caregiver] will demonstrate competent use of durable medical equipment and/or effective adaptive mobility patterns used for functional mobility [i.e.xxxxxx]  for the successful completion of activities included in the 9 domains of occupation within [xx] weeks. 

See BOT Portal for more.

Lower Extremity Course

There are not many lower body training programs for occupational therapy practitioners taught by an Occupational Therapy! Take this course for a broader, generalized understanding of the lower extremities, gait abnormalities, and gait analysis. Learn why this knowledge is important for both OTs and OTAs! 

What you’ll get:

  • Confidence that lower body rehabilitation is in the OT Scope of Practice (never question it again)! 
  • 20 Handouts from the BOT Resource Portal
  • Improved generalized understanding of the lower body (if you didn’t get much of this in school!) 
    2024 Course Thumbnails 3

    Goals Continuums and Progressions for Functional Mobility

    Star Excursion Balance Test

    The patient will demonstrate maintained or improved transitional balance and increased ankle stability during the performance of moving from static to dynamic balance capabilities in multiple planes of movement as evidenced by maintenance or increase or established score on the Star Excursion Balance Test.

    Checkpoints :

    • Complete initial SEB Test 25%
    • Complete 2-4+ training sessions using star grid 50%
    • Demonstrate improvement of score in 6 weeks 75%
    • Demonstrate maintenance of 6 week outcomes in 12 weeks 100%

    OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals BOT Portal copy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

    BERG Assessment

    The patient will demonstrate an increase in numerous aspects of functional balance performance as evidenced by achieving at least 54/56 [or max outcome] on the BERG objective measurement assessment in order to ensure safety and limit fall risk during community/home mobility.


    • Complete BERG (10 %) Note Deficits in Progress Note
    • Complete Star Point Assessment (15 %) – video record
    • Demonstrates ability to step out in ipsilateral anterior diagonal stance alternating RLE and LLE while holding 5 seconds and returning to starting position x5 trials each movement for a total of 20 trials without LOB or CGA (50%%) [Progress starting position from wide BOS to narrow BOS]
    • Maintain 5 second one-leg stance on both right and left leg without LOB (75%)
    • Completion of goal – BERG retest (100%)

    OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals BOT Portal copy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

    Lower Extremity Functional Scale

    The patient will demonstrate an improvement in occupations of the lower extremities as evidenced by an increase of 60 points on the Lower eE within 18 weeks. 

    Deficits: All activities are extremely difficult or quite a bit difficulty


    1. (4.5 weeks) Improvement by 15 points – 25%
    2. (9 weeks) Improvement by 30 points – 50%
    3. (13.5 weeks) (Improvement by 45 points – 75%
    4. (18 weeks) Improvement by 60 points – 100% 

    OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals BOT Portal copy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

    Lower Body Strength for Functional Mobility

    The patient will demonstrate improved lower body strength and muscle stamina as evidenced by…. See BOT Portal for more.

    OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals BOT Portal copy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy

    Gross Motor Coordination

    The patient will independently demonstrate improved gross motor coordination as evidenced by ….See BOT Portal for more.

      OT Goals Occupational Therapy Goals BOT Portal copy - Buffalo Occupational Therapy 

      Sitting Balance

      The patient will demonstrate improved sitting balance as evidenced by an a score of 43/44 on the ‘Sitting Balance Scale’ within 12 weeks. 


      • Complete Sitting Balance Scale 15%
      • 2-4 Unsupported sitting for 10 minutes without support demonstrating self-correction of posture (25%) 
      • 2-6 session of linear and dynamic reach activity while seated (50%)
      • 2-4 sessions of lateral lean and rotational trunk activities plus gaze shift training (75%)
      • Final execution of scale at 12 weeks (100%) 

      Once the patient scores greater than 43 on the Sitting Balance Scale, this goal will progress to static/dynamic standing balance continuum.