Dual Tasking and Arithmetic | Occupational Therapy Intervention
Dual Tasking and ArithmeticOccupational Therapy Intervention : Dual TaskingDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a dual-tasking activity with an emphasis on arithmetic and intentional movements. The task required the patient to receive a...
Shuffle Cards | Occupational Therapy Intervention
Card Shuffling - Fine Motor CoordinationOccupational Therapy Intervention : Functional Fine Motor CoordinationDocumentation and Activity Rationale Patient engaged in a card activity in order to address fine motor control and functional use of the wrist. Patient...
Binder Clips and Coins | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Fine Motor Strength InterventionOccupational Therapy Intervention : Fine Motor StrengthDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a seated fine motor activity requiring patient to use alternating tip pinch and lateral pinch prehension skills to secure...
Functional Grasp and Forearm Strength | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Functional Grasp and Forearm StrengthOccupational Therapy Intervention : Functional forearm strengthDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in arm strengthening activity using functional household items with 10 reps focusing on forearm flexion and...
In hand Manipulation | Occupational Therapy Interventions
In-Hand ManipulationOccupational Therapy Intervention: In-Hand ManipulationDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a kinetic-based therapeutic activity requiring the gathering of 20 beads into the palm of the right hand (and then left in separate...
Pitch Back with Kinesiology Tape | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Pitch Back with Kinesiology TapeOccupational Therapy Intervention: Pitch Back Documentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a dynamic standing activity requiring the propulsion of weighted balls [ 16oz, 18oz, 20oz] from 8ft away to a pitchback altering...
Work Hardening and Fine Motor Strength | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Work Hardening and UB StrengthOccupational Therapy Intervention: Work Hardening and UB StrengthDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a work hardening task in which she was tasked with shoulder (adduction and abduction), forearm, wrist, and...
Narrow Stance with Diagonal UB Pattern | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Dynamic Standing with Diagonal UB PatternOccupational Therapy Intervention: Dynamic Standing Documentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in dynamic standing activity in which they were tasked with completing repetitions of a UE diagonal pattern. Diagonal...
Multi-Modal Dynamic Seated Activity Posture | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Dynamic Seated Postural ActivityOccupational Therapy Intervention: Multi-Modal Dynamic Seated Postural ActivityDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a dynamic unsupported seated activity requiring him to toss a beanbag through a hoop...
Functional Movement Pattern Strengthening | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Upper Body Functional Movement PatternOccupational Therapy Intervention: Functional Movement PatternsDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in functional movement pattern strengthening activity. The task required the patient to retrieve x9 16, 18,...