Dynamic Balance Obstacle Course
Dynamic Balance Obstacle CourseNeuromuscular Re-Education and Body MechanicsDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in an obstacle course designed with a rocker board, tandem line walk, aerdic steppers, and balancing on a foam pad to simulate various...
Dual Tasking on Variable Surfaces & Handwriting
Dual Tasking on Variable Surfaces with HandwritingOccupational Therapy Intervention : Dual TaskingDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in cognitive-motor dual tasking techniques. leveraging motor-based practices for inter-hemishpheric...
Dynamic Standing Balance and UB Coordination
Dynamic Stepping with Functional Reach and Controlled MovementOccupational Therapy Intervention : Dynamic SteppingDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in dynamic standing activity on unstable surface using a foam pad requiring balance on one foot...
Stroop and Hurdles | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Cognitive Dual Tasking - Stroop and Hurdles Occupational Therapy Intervention : Cognitive Dual Tasking Documentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a dual-tasking activity requiring the ability to recruit executive functioning components while...
Volitional Functional Reach | Occupational Therapy Interventions
Volitional Functional GraspOccupational Therapy Intervention : Cylindrical GraspDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a grasp and release activity in today's session emphasizing principles of interhemispheric communication by way of continuous...
Agility Ladder + Side Step Group | Occupational Therapy Intervention
Group Therapy Intervention - Agility Ladder Occupational Therapy Intervention : Group - Agility Ladder Documentation and Activity Rationale The patient participated in agility-centered activity using a high contrast agility ladder to invoke the vestibular,...
Dynamic Agility Ladder Step Pattern Group | Occupational Therapy Intervention
Dynamic Agility Ladder - GroupOccupational Therapy Intervention : Agility Ladder - GroupDocumentation and Activity Rationale Patient participated in agility-centered activity using a high contrast agility ladder to invoke the vestibular, neuromuscular, muscular, and...
Seated Hula Hoop Group | Occupational Therapy Intervention
Seated Hula Hoop Group InterventionOccupational Therapy Intervention : Group InterventionDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a BUE AROM, mm Elongation, and generalized strengthening activity requiring them to hold the hula hoop at various...
Step, Tap, Align Group | Occupational Therapy Intervention
Group Therapy InterventionOccupational Therapy Intervention : Group TherapyDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in a dual-tasking activity with an emphasis on visual memory and recall. The task required the patient to receive a 3-part image at...
One Leg Stance and Cross Midline Tap Group | Occupational Therapy Intervention
Group Therapy Intervention - Balance Occupational Therapy Intervention : Group Therapy InterventionDocumentation and Activity Rationale The patient engaged in LE dynamic balance activity designed to promote neuronal excitation, brain plasticity, interhemispheric...