Contralateral Marching – Group
Occupational Therapy Intervention : Group Intervention
Documentation and Activity Rationale
The patient engaged in slow contralateral marching to promote neural re-patterning, neural organization, enhancement of cognition, and interhemispheric communication. The patient slowly raised contralateral upper and lower extremity in a holding pattern to maximize intentional motor activation, increase hip, knee, and ankle stability, while also promoting UE strengthening and flexibility. The patient performed 50 marches on each side with minimal difficulty and contact guard assistance.
Grading Strategies
Grading Up:
- integrate into dual-tasking (e.g. count by 2’s, make part of an obstacle course)
Grading Down:
- provide a sturdy chair for one hand to switch off and on during each repetition
- do task seated
Appropriate Diagnoses / Deficits
- balance deficits
- generalized weakness
- memory Changes