
Occupational Therapy Resources

Occupational Therapy Resources for students and clinicians who lack confidence and are looking for hope. Being a practicing clinician is tough stuff! It’s scary! Unexpected things happen and it’s so hard to know what to do when you are cut off guard by different patient and co-worker interactions. BOT Portal Occupational Therapy Resources was born from the tension that exists between academia and clinical practice.

Best Occupational Therapy Resources for Clinical Practice

OOT Theories and Frameworks >>>

This site is wonderful for identifying the most appropriate theories or framework(s) to help guide your plan of care and intervention path.


PubMed >>>

Most of the research here is open access. This is my number one repository for research when studying a new patient’s case.


Three Must-Have Textbooks to have in your clinic:

Functional Anatomy for OccupationalTherapy>>>>

Trail Guide to the Body and Movement>>>

Trigger Points>>>


Best Continuing Education

Medbridge >>>

Certified Brain Inury Specialist>>>

Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP)>>>

CARES Dementia Specialist >>>


BOT Portal Rehabilitation Resources>>>

BOT PORTAL Occupational Therapy Resources. I am eager to improve it, learn from you, and create a resource website that will be beneficial to the national and international occupational therapy community. 

Access this resource portal for just $29 a month! 

Occupational Therapy Resources for products to buy
Adrianna Brown, MS, OTR/L is an Occupational Therapist specializing in neurological rehabilitation

My Favorite Resources

BOT Portal Occupational Therapy Resources is the Most premium resource on the internet

Stop feeling insecure and lost.

Don't wait for BURNOUT to consume your life because there just isn't enough time to search for evidence-based occupational therapy resources and training for daily clinical treatments.

Join the BOT Portal for occupational therapy resources and receive  24/7 access to the highest quality resources designed by an experienced therapist speciically for busy, motivated, and passionate therapists and therapy assistants.